I have a �life and death� question for you: what is a cat supposed to do if his human wants to put him down because the human thinks he can�t afford a treatment/medication cost?
It is a nightmare for many cats but it is so true � that�s what happens in real life!
I�m a 8 year old cat and I�ve got an UTI - my human brought me to the vet to put me down because he can�t afford the treatment. However, the doctor explained that the treatment is not that expensive and there is no reason for euthanasia. Then, the nurse � God bless her heart � called a lady who runs a rescue group. The group got the money for the treatment and offered to adopt me! In the meantime�.my human had a change of heart and started saying that he wants me back and he�ll pay for the treatment.
For the moment I�m back with my human�but what should I do?
How can I make sure he�s not taking me to another clinic or abandon me on the streets?
Is there any legal course this rescue group can take to adopt me? I don�t trust my human anymore!
Dear Bertie,
Your dilemma is awful. We cats should never fully trust humans. Some human owners "love" their cats, won't pay for vet treatment, and yet won't let their cats be adopted into a home that will pay for the treatment. And the fact that you have a UTI suggests that, apart from this dilemma, you are in a home that is stressful and worrying for you.
The problem is human law. Stupid unethical law. Here in the UK cats are property. If a vet is asked to put down an animal, she cannot refuse. All she can do is suggest rehoming and, if the "owner" (disgusting term) agrees, put the animal in rescue, after a legal form has been signed saying the cat is now the property of the rescue. Without that bit of paper, the cat still belongs to its original "owner" (notice that word again).
Cats that are truly miserable sometimes rehome themselves - if they are lucky enough to have a cat flap. If you can leave the house, I would advise spending several weeks checking out likely homes in the neighbourhood and seeing if you find a better human.
Human laws against cruelty are totally inadequate and rarely enforced. You have to be half dead before the law steps in to save you.
My poor brother feline. My heart bleeds for you.
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