A Christmas Miracle

Dear George,
I�m a two years old kitten who got lost or has been abandoned � I don�t know what happened for sure! No one posted any flyers around the area where I was found living on the streets. All I know is that about two months ago some good people saw me in a parking lot and started feeding me. They would come every single night and feed me. Then as the weather was getting colder they decided to trap me and find me a home! Their prayers and wishes were to find me a forever home by Christmas! Well, their prayers and wishes came true! In last two weeks I�ve been trapped, taken to a vet clinic to be checked-up, lived temporary in two fosters home and I�ll be in my forever home by Christmas.
I�ve also learned that my new human is the best �cat mum� I could wish for! She�ll love me and care for me! She has already announced her family and friends about me coming home for Christmas! I�m a bit scared but I know that once I�ll be just with her I�ll be able to rest and relax! I promise I will love her back! George, I do now believe in miracles!
And, as young as I am �I now truly understand Christmas and the spirit of giving!
It�s not at all about giving gifts�it�s all about giving shelter, giving food, giving hope and above all�..giving love! That�s the spirit of Christmas!
I wish to all the kittens and their humans a Merry Christmas and I pray for all the cats in need to find their forever homes and loving humans!
Love to all

Dear Kitty,
You have said it all.
But I would just add some quick advice to cats. Stay away from mistletoe and holly. They are poisonous. So are lilies and pointsetta (photo on the right).
Happy Christmas,

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