Brush or play? No, brush and play, please.

Dear George, 
I�m Shumba and I have a problem with my human. I know you are the most awesome human behaviourist even if you let your own secretary slack on her duties so much and so often! Sorry George, but this was a much discussed issue since I joined your blog � your soft spot for Celia which �.creates �disturbances� in the blog �at times!
Anyway, I was living on the streets for quite few years when I was rescued by my human! We do have a great relationship but I�m not quite sure if she fully understands me or I�m lacking in my training her! See, she works full time and sometimes I become bored. I miss the human interaction during the day so I took up the Zen Zzzzzz meditation and I do relax a lot but I wish she comes home during her breaks at work. 
Anyway, she got me a brush �which I love and I learned how to brush myself (video attached) but, my question to you is�.should I wait for her to brush me or should I spend our time together just playing? I would like her to both �brush & play� but how am I going to tell her so she can understands?
PS. I had a video on this but it didn't seem to work.

Dear Shumba,
You are absolutely right. If I have a fault as a human behaviourist, it is that I am too indulgent to my human, Celia. Which means she slackens and I don't punish her by withdrawing affection, as I should do. Last night she came home very late and for once I did let her know I disapproved. I sneaked out of the door as she opened it and didn't come home till 5am. She was distraught. I hope she learned her lesson about coming home too late.
Now, your problem. Your human should both brush and play. That's a great brush, a Zoom Groom,  that she has got for you and I see that you have worked out how to self groom. Many congratulations. But it isn't enough. She should get a fishingrod toy and, while she watched TV, play with you with that. It's not hard for humans. They are just too lazy to do it enough.
Do as I say, not as I do. Don't let her slacken off!!!
PS. At least she grooms. Some humans don't bother even to do that. 

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